Data exchange system in cooler-storage-ring virtual accelerator 冷却存储环虚拟加速器的数据交互系统
International seismic data exchange system 国际地震数据交换系统
Application of Automatic Hydrologic Data Exchange System to Water Regulation 水情数据自动交换系统在水调工作中的应用
The data exchange system is used to realize the trans-system flow, and the embedded script is used to solve the problem of workflow direction related to data. 提出了利用数据交换系统实现跨系统流程,利用嵌入式脚本解决与数据相关的流向问题等。
The design and Realization of data exchange system based on XML working on J2EE platform J2EE平台上基于XML的数据交换系统的设计与实现
In Chapter 4, the design of the data exchange system of Collaborative Commerce Platform based on the security model is discussed. 第4章主要介绍了基于该安全模型的协同商务平台数据交换系统的设计。
1, rebuilding the patterns of document exchange, and developing the data exchange system based on ASN. 1的数据交换系统。
Research of an XML-based agricultural data exchange system 基于XML的农业数据转换系统研究
A good data exchange agreement not only better realizes data exchange system, to improve exchange efficient, reliability, safety, application system inserting, but also to be advantageous to development and escalation of data exchange system. 一个良好的数据交换协议不但有利于数据交换系统的实现,有利于提高数据交换的效率、可靠性、安全性,有利于应用系统的接入,还有利于数据交换系统的扩展和升级。
At last the paper is given a example of data exchange system based on data exchange middleware, and evaluated the result of data exchange and verifided the feasibility of the data exchange middleware in spatial data sharing. 论文最后给出了应用实例,并对转换结果作出评价,充分验证了空间数据中间件技术在数据共享中的可行性。
A Network Data Transfer Software Applied on Multi-System platforms is introduced in this paper. This paper also explicates the method of establishing Data Distribution System and Data Exchange System based on that software and functions the systems offer. 本文介绍一种应用于多种操作系统平台的网络数据传输软件,并简要说明基于该软件建立数据分发系统和数据交换服务系统的方法和实现的功能;
Design of the Safety Data Exchange System for Electronic Port of China Custom 中国海关电子口岸安全数据交换系统设计
A Data Exchange System Based on J2EE 基于J2EE的数据交换系统设计模式研究
Data Exchange System Studying Based on JMS and MOM 基于JMS和MOM的信息交换系统研究
Design of production data exchange system based on C/ S architecture 基于C/S结构生产数据通讯系统的设计
This paper describes a method of implementing network secure isolation and data exchange system based on USB, which has been promoted in the network construction of Shanghai E-government network. 该文讨论了一种基于USB实现安全隔离与数据交换的方法,并已经在上海市电子政务中得到了应用。
Public Data Exchange System in a Large-scale Distributed Application Environment 大型分布式应用环境中的公共数据交换系统
Secondly we studied the specialty of business-to-business data exchange and related technologies. On the basis of previous study we designed the function, layer model& data exchange process model of the general data exchange system and made an elementary analysis of the actual implement. 在此基础上设计了通用数据交换系统的功能,分层结构模型和数据交换的过程模型,并对具体实现进行了初步分析。
Study on an Internet-based STEP Data Exchange System Framework 基于Internet的产品数据交换系统框架模型研究
The SRAM has been widely applied at computer, communication and high speed data exchange system. 它作为半导体存储器中不可缺的一类产品,在计算机,通信等高速速据交换系统中得到了广泛的应用。
This thesis constructed a general data exchange system for the e-business based on the XML& J2EE technology. 本论文采用XML和J2EE等技术构建了一个适合电子商务应用的通用数据交换系统。
This design is based on the exchange format and data organization method of XML, defines data mapping dictionary and gives data exchange system. 设计了基于XML的数据交换格式和数据组织方法,定义了数据映射字典,给出了数据交换体系。
The design uses two port RAM in hardware configuration table and simulation data exchange system in order to satisfy the requirement of hardware configuration diversification and real-time of simulation. 测控仿真系统为测控软件的开发提供了运行环境。设计中采用双端口RAM作硬件配置表和仿真数据交换系统,满足了硬件配置的灵活多样性和仿真实时性的要求。
This paper begins by discussing the data exchange metadata, and then brings forward the system model of data exchange based on the meta-data, at last probing into the function of metadata in the data exchange system. 文章从数据交换元数据的讨论着手,提出了基于元数据的数据交换系统模型,探讨了数据交换系统中元数据的定义及作用。
The Application Research on Security of Data Exchange System of Collaborative Commerce Platform 协同商务平台数据交换系统安全性应用研究
Some internal networks in electric power system should be isolated from Internet, and it brings difficulty to data exchange. A secure data exchange system is put forth for it. 针对电力系统中一些内部网络需要和Internet隔离,将会给电力系统和Internet之间的数据交换带来困难,提出了隔离网络数据安全交换系统。
At the same time, the paper constructs a new data exchange model of mobile E-government system based on mobile agent, superiority of mobile agent is validated by theory analysis and model simulation in network flow, response time, fault-tolerant of mobile data exchange system. 同时,给出了一种基于移动代理的移动电子政务系统的数据交换模型,通过理论分析和模型仿真验证了该模型在移动数据交换系统中网络流量,响应时间,容错性能方面的优越性。
Then the data exchange system is the deployment methodology and its application profile. 接着给出了数据交换系统的部署方法及其应用简介。
This article against the data exchange demand of ASP auto industry chain collaboration platform Developed by Sichuan Institute of Manufacturing Information, proposed the General Data Exchange System model. 本文针对四川省制造业信息化研究院开发的汽车产业链协作ASP平台数据交换需求,提出了通用数据交换系统模型。